Thursday, 13 January 2011

Dentists, Rabbits & Derren

Been an eventful couple of days.  My trip to the dentist the other day was a complete disaster.  Having a panic attacked followed by passing out and throwing up is not a great reaction.  They've rebooked my appointment and instructed me to go to the GP about my low blood pressure and get a sedative for the next attempt.  Dentist is a genuinely nice bloke and he's booked me an extra long appointment so I can take breaks when I need to.  Once I get passed the needle I'll be fine.  All the staff were really nice, especially the lady who's office I ended up in so I'll be taking them flowers when I go back for the appointment.  They even rang me later in the afternoon to check if I was ok.

If I want to go to Kenya next year I really need to sort this needle problem out because I'll need jabs.

The website is now finished to the point where we can show people.  If anything needs doing it can just be added on.  Haven't sorted out a domain name yet, mainly because we can't decide what it's going to be.

Have bought a new next of storage boxes for the class, they have wheels and are a bit more robust than the current box.  We'll be bringing the old one home to store surplus stock in - it'll be fine as we wont really be moving it around.

Had to physically restrain myself from buying a rabbit yesterday.  Went to Pets at Home to get more puppy treats for Taz as they are the only treats he'll respond to at Dog Club.  They had all these young flopsy bunnies there and we spent ages cooing over them, they were so cute!  If the interior passage between the main house and outbuilding was watertight I'd give the idea a bit more credence.

So I promised myself that if I managed my dentist appointment and Costco had it I'd treat myself to the new Derren Brown book - seeing as we were going to Costco for the boxes and some more energy drink stock anyway.  Seeing as Costco didn't have it last time we went and they dont tend to restock I didn't seriously think they'd have it.  Well, we went to Costco and they had it and Jay persuaded me to get it as a consolation prize :)

I'm hoping I'll now feel obligated to myself next time I go and it'll help.

Unajua kingereza? - Do you understand English?

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