Wednesday, 5 January 2011

New Year - New Monkey

So Jay and I have communally decided to be more adventurous as of this year but i didn't want to make it a new year resolution as its a bit unspecific.  So instead I have inserted resolutions which are more adventurous altogether...

1. Book holiday to Kenya
2. Learn some basic Swahili
3. Gain a new qualification
4. Get Bronze Kennel Club Award with Taz
5. Get into next jean size down (and stay in it!)
6. Take part in Race for Life 2011
7. Post more regularly on Recipe Swap Shop
8. Start & maintain new blog
9. Build website for LTMA
10. Wash up more often

Got my application in for a job at Leeds University yesterday; need something part time to supplement LTMA while its still a baby company.  Plus I don't really want to make too much clear profit before its first tax return in April - hopefully it will pay back it's captial investment though.

I heard that they were considering pulling the job because they haven't had a decent applicant yet.  Hopefully their one decent applicant will be me :) There's a few other jobs at the uni that look pretty good so now i've got the monster application form completed I can tailor it fairly easily and put in a few more.  I know their recruitment officer and I also have a good reference from within the Uni so hopefully i'll get an interview.

As soon as I get a job and Jay gets one we'll put the deposit down on the trip to Kenya in 2012.  Im totally buzzed, last night I told Jay I was off to bed and good night and this morning demanded coffee in Swahili.  He's a bit bemused.  I don't care though, Kenya is my ultimate holiday destination.  I've got my eye on Nyali Beech near Mombassa with scuba diving and safari.  I will even have the jabs!

Recieved new scaler from Dave at dog club on Monday night and spent last night cleaning the dogs teeth; he has a Tom Cruise style smile now.  I know there's a lot of controversy about scaling your dogs teeth yourself but the plaque on his canines had to come off and i'm not cruel enough to leave him with strangers and have him put under aneasthetic for the vet to do it.  It would destroy all the great progress he's made over the last couple of years.  To be fair the plaque just fell off once we gave it a little tug with the scaler.  Vet Dentistry: £200.  Scaler: £5.  Happy dog: Priceless.

Swahili word of the day: Nyani - Monkey

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