Sunday, 16 January 2011

Shoes? Please?

Today was a good day!  My Ju Jitsu class was busy and everyone is training hard for their imminent grading exams.  We got a new guy today and I'm hoping for a handful more next week.  I also have a sneaky feeling that I know who's going to win the trophy for highest score on the exams but there are three that could pull it out of the bag on the day and walk away with it.

Life on the outside of the classes is busy and fruitful too!  We've got some cracking testimonials up on the website and I have a few more really great ones lined up.  Tonight I finished the graduation certificate for the exams, so now I have my laminator I'm practically all set for certifying LTMA's first wave of class trained yellow belts.  I'm off to get fancy paper tomorrow after my Inland Revenue seminar on expenses.

I'm hoping for news about the part-time job I applied for at the Uni soon.  The closing date was Friday just gone so with any luck I'll hear back soon.  I need to pick up a new suit tomorrow too!  Even if I don't get an interview I'll need it for doing pitches for LTMA's training courses.  Could this mean that there are pretty shoes in my future...?

Very excited to hear from the Banana today, it seems the entire band of Eric-Fanciers are descending for a visit in mid-Feb!  I was so pleased I've already planned the magnificent meal I shall cook!  I miss my Inklety friends, but it does give you the glow of real friendship when you scatter over the UK and get demanding jobs but are still able to make time and effort to see each other.  I'm really looking forward to escaping off to Wales in the summer for our annual girl trip...

Unfortunately there is a piece of bad news.  I seem to have hurt my shoulder today.  It's a muscle pull or tear and quite painful.  I will have to take it easy tomorrow and carry my bag on the left shoulder (or persuade J to carry it for me?) and no setting a good example for Taz at dog club in the evening by going over the hurdles first. 

Swahili:     Nimefurahi - I am happy
Chinese:    Dan Tein - Physical centre of gravity

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