Friday, 3 February 2012

My latest creations:

The seal was easy and I quite enjoyed making him; the giraffe was a pain in the arse - plus there was definitely some veering off pattern towards the end...

This afternoon was my bi-annual trip to the dentist.  Only a check up but I still managed to get myself worked up to the point of giving myself a headache, which I've been unable to get rid of.  The silly thing is that I really don't have a problem with the dentist and never have.  J thinks I'm associating.

It seems I've managed to book out every weekend in February now - many exciting things to happen in the forth coming month plus new series of True Blood starts day after tomorrow. Guh.  My hormones are screaming and throwing their knickers already...

Ahh Mr Northman, you tick every single box.  There was a much better picture but I couldn't think of a good reason to post it without seeming incredibly immature.  Hour of Creativity tonight.  Though once I get going it'll end up being much more than an hour I suspect.  I will wear a bib try not to drool all over the paper.


  1. The giraffe looks very...aloof. Probably why he was a pain in the [neck] to make.

  2. Your right, he does. Smug bastard.
