Wierd-ass dreams last night. The bits that are particularly clear:
I was taking some sort of tour of the Enterprise set from the original series of Star Trek. We all teamed off and got given a Star Trek based quiz to fill out, which naturally I aced. I got the second to last question wrong and the last question was blank, which concerned me. Until I found out, to my delight, that the last question would be a fight scene demonstration by my team which we had to choreograph ourselves.
Obviously I was thrilled by the prospect and took charge. After a lot of umm'ing and ahh'ing about whether I wanted to be Kirk (double hammerfists!) or Spock (Vulcan nerve pinch...) I eventually came to the conclusion that out of the three of us, I was the only one that could breakfall and throw myself about safely and stylishly. Which meant that I got to be neither Kirk nor Spock and instead had to be the bad guy. On that disappointing note my subconscious threw the teddy out and I woke up. Gutted.
Seriously though, what's wrong with me?? And, how beaten do we think I'd get for wearing this on the mat / at competitions:
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