I have never been asked a stupid question in a interview. But every single time I do interview training they always insist on asking ridiculous questions like: 'If you were animal what would you be and why?'. Or my personal favourite: 'If you were a biscuit, what kind would you be and why?'.
My answer, by the way, was Malted Milk. I scored quite low with that answer. Disgustingly all the philistines who went in armed the cliché "I'd be a chocolate digestive / hobnob because I'm smooth and sweet;" scored highly...
What could be better than a malted milk biscuit? They're not fussy, don't get sickly with over-exposure, understated, 100% reliable and they have just the right dunking dimensions for your mug.
I do wish that they'd make reverse designs of the cow on alternate biscuits though - so you can stick two biscuits back-to-back and get an entire 3D cow and not a pair of cows performing the 69 maneuver.
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