Sunday 16 January 2011

Shoes? Please?

Today was a good day!  My Ju Jitsu class was busy and everyone is training hard for their imminent grading exams.  We got a new guy today and I'm hoping for a handful more next week.  I also have a sneaky feeling that I know who's going to win the trophy for highest score on the exams but there are three that could pull it out of the bag on the day and walk away with it.

Life on the outside of the classes is busy and fruitful too!  We've got some cracking testimonials up on the website and I have a few more really great ones lined up.  Tonight I finished the graduation certificate for the exams, so now I have my laminator I'm practically all set for certifying LTMA's first wave of class trained yellow belts.  I'm off to get fancy paper tomorrow after my Inland Revenue seminar on expenses.

I'm hoping for news about the part-time job I applied for at the Uni soon.  The closing date was Friday just gone so with any luck I'll hear back soon.  I need to pick up a new suit tomorrow too!  Even if I don't get an interview I'll need it for doing pitches for LTMA's training courses.  Could this mean that there are pretty shoes in my future...?

Very excited to hear from the Banana today, it seems the entire band of Eric-Fanciers are descending for a visit in mid-Feb!  I was so pleased I've already planned the magnificent meal I shall cook!  I miss my Inklety friends, but it does give you the glow of real friendship when you scatter over the UK and get demanding jobs but are still able to make time and effort to see each other.  I'm really looking forward to escaping off to Wales in the summer for our annual girl trip...

Unfortunately there is a piece of bad news.  I seem to have hurt my shoulder today.  It's a muscle pull or tear and quite painful.  I will have to take it easy tomorrow and carry my bag on the left shoulder (or persuade J to carry it for me?) and no setting a good example for Taz at dog club in the evening by going over the hurdles first. 

Swahili:     Nimefurahi - I am happy
Chinese:    Dan Tein - Physical centre of gravity

Saturday 15 January 2011

Zen Monkey

I have added another trip to my bucket list.  I now wish to do a trip to China and train on Wudang Mountain and possibly at the Shaolin Temple.  It's something I want to do on my own to find focus and self awareness.  I'd like to visit the great wall of China and take a Chinese Calligraphy workshop.

This leads to me to ponder whether I should start learning Chinese as well?  I have a friend who did a degree in Chinese and spent a year in China so I might ask her to give me some useful and simple phrases to learn.  You also have to take Chinese Language classes when you do training programmes in China because the teachers don't speak English!

I reckon I can manage the Chinese martial arts terminology on my own the same way I did the Japanese.  I will need major help with the social side though.

Swahili:    Sielewi - I don't understand
Chinese:   Yun Shou - Cloud Hands

Thursday 13 January 2011

Dentists, Rabbits & Derren

Been an eventful couple of days.  My trip to the dentist the other day was a complete disaster.  Having a panic attacked followed by passing out and throwing up is not a great reaction.  They've rebooked my appointment and instructed me to go to the GP about my low blood pressure and get a sedative for the next attempt.  Dentist is a genuinely nice bloke and he's booked me an extra long appointment so I can take breaks when I need to.  Once I get passed the needle I'll be fine.  All the staff were really nice, especially the lady who's office I ended up in so I'll be taking them flowers when I go back for the appointment.  They even rang me later in the afternoon to check if I was ok.

If I want to go to Kenya next year I really need to sort this needle problem out because I'll need jabs.

The website is now finished to the point where we can show people.  If anything needs doing it can just be added on.  Haven't sorted out a domain name yet, mainly because we can't decide what it's going to be.

Have bought a new next of storage boxes for the class, they have wheels and are a bit more robust than the current box.  We'll be bringing the old one home to store surplus stock in - it'll be fine as we wont really be moving it around.

Had to physically restrain myself from buying a rabbit yesterday.  Went to Pets at Home to get more puppy treats for Taz as they are the only treats he'll respond to at Dog Club.  They had all these young flopsy bunnies there and we spent ages cooing over them, they were so cute!  If the interior passage between the main house and outbuilding was watertight I'd give the idea a bit more credence.

So I promised myself that if I managed my dentist appointment and Costco had it I'd treat myself to the new Derren Brown book - seeing as we were going to Costco for the boxes and some more energy drink stock anyway.  Seeing as Costco didn't have it last time we went and they dont tend to restock I didn't seriously think they'd have it.  Well, we went to Costco and they had it and Jay persuaded me to get it as a consolation prize :)

I'm hoping I'll now feel obligated to myself next time I go and it'll help.

Unajua kingereza? - Do you understand English?

Monday 10 January 2011

Eyes going square from staring at computer screen!

 I really did mean to post yesterday but when it got to 3am and I was still working I decided to write it off and post today instead.

I have been working flat out at getting the website for LTMA overhauled and up and running.  Not only has it got a completely new look, it's got lots more pages added and some tools for my students to use.  It's going a lot faster now that im just adding content - I spent hours last night playing about with the code trying to bend their pre-set designs to look how I want them to look and to be brand it with the LTMA name and logo.

Im fairly good at writing and manipulating HTML code as I spent years making hobby websites out of it but Weebly has a different system.  They use HTML to control the order of the page elements and then the page elements are edited as sub-chapters in CSS.

Need to get the domain name sorted out and attached asap as well.  Can't sort business cards out until that's done.  Unfortunately attaching the domain name to Weebly looks incredibly complicated.

I picked it up eventually, but it baked my noodle while I was getting my head wrapped around it.  Once this website is up is running in a satisfactory manner I'll have a look at the Inklets website again and see if I can get it converted over into a new more useable format.

The Ju Jitsu class went very well yesterday.  Numbers are increasing with the temperature and it was extremely enjoyable.  They are training for their first set of gradings and I have a sneaking suspicion that i'm going to have to be a very proud teacher at the end of the month.

I also floated the idea of taking a team to the Hereford BJJ opens in September and it seemed to go down well.  They will have to work very hard for the next nine months but there's such a lot of talent in that group that I have no doubt they'd come away with some brass.

Have had to put some jobs on hold for today in favour of the website but i'll do them tomorrow after my dreaded trip to the dentist.  LTMA work always cheers me up and focuses my mind.  On a more pleasent note i've chosen the trophy that will, henceforth, be awarded after gradings to the highest scorer.  It's going to be engraved jade coloured glass in a nice presentation case.  All bets are out on who's going to win it though!  I'm waiting for my trophy guy to get back to me - i'd like to have it at the club so the guys can see it before the exams.

Asante sana - Thank you very much

Sunday 9 January 2011

Goose and moose and apple juice!

So I finally took my revenge on next door today.  My next door neighbour, ever since we moved in just over two years ago, has insisted on playing mainly rubbish music through the wall loud enough so we can sing along.  This began on the very first night we moved in and yes, many times did we ask him to shut up or turn it down, and he was very nice and apologetic and turned it off or down straight away.  And then conveniently the next time he plays music he's completely forgotten about our conversation.

Now Jamie isn't a bad chap, he rescued next door's cat Badger from under his wardrobe where the silly little quadruped had hidden himself on his first trip into the outside world after going back into the wrong house.  He took Badger up and down the street looking for his owners and finally brought him to me and I took him home.  Poor little fella was actually shaking from fear.  So he's a nice guy and we posted him a christmas card through and all that malarky.  In fact we've considered making him a mix CD and posting that through so at least he's playing decent music through our walls.

J has lost it a couple of times and gone upstairs and put on some thrash rock or Bon Jovi and played it back through the walls to make a point; extremely proud that his computer speakers are louder than Jamie's speakers.  Jamie never learns though, he turns the music off and next time he puts on music he's back to his old tricks.

What Jamie and J didn't know until today is that MY hi-fi system and speakers are louder and BOTH of theirs put together.  And my music collect is a lot more interesting. 

Following something of a row this morning I was sat upstairs with a book and a screaming headache trying to drown my sorrows by reading some Dan Brown.  Jamie was happily playing his crap through the wall and THEN he puts on the most disgustingly repetative, insanely annoying hip hop song I've ever heard.  And could I concentrate on my book?  I read the page I was on four times before I decided to just give up and wait until the song finished.  And then as soon as the song finished playing...

He put it on repeat and played it again.

And as soon as the second run through of the song finished...

He put it on AGAIN.

I had had enough.  I dusted off my little used hi-fi system and plugged it in.  I riffled through my CD collection and looked for Bolero.  I couldn't find Bolero.  I found something better.  I plugged three CD's into the selector, turned the volume up to +30 and pressed play.  And ran.

The good news is that J and I made up after our fight.  Unfortunately for our eternal souls we did it by standing at the bottom of the staircase with big smiles on our faces and our hands on the bannister rail marvelling at just how much the soundtrack from Brassed Off makes the house vibrate.

After the William Tell Overture I showed mercy and turned off the hi-fi system.  We enjoyed a blissful silence for about half an hour when the silly bugger PUT THAT SONG BACK ON.

So I treated him to some of Radiohead's earlier work for a while; I band I might mention that not only has teh 'cut-your-wrists-factor' but has the densist baseline in the know universe.  I did consider leaving it playing while we went out...  I didn't however, as a gesture of good faith, and by the time we got home he'd piped down and turned his music off.

I'm not usually this vindictive but he chose exactly the wrong afternoon to be the most annoying and thoughtless man in the entirety of West Yorkshire.  Consider yourself well and truely spanked Jamie.

Spent a pleasent evening watching more Derren Brown.  We kicked off with the documentary, went on to The Heist (truely awesome) and finished off by re-watching Enigma - the live show we caught the other night.  It's sad but we enjoy re-watching the live shows and trying to pick them apart and see where he's used sly phrases and slight of mouth to program the audience.  We noticed a few clever tricks but not much.  The show was just as enjoyable the second time round in only a few days; it still made us laugh out loud and shout at the telly in astonishment and disbelief.  Love that guy.

Tafadhali - Please

Saturday 8 January 2011

Good Intentions & Tomato Abstinence

My good intentions went right out the window this morning.  I endeavoured to get up early but when my alarm went off my head felt like i'd snapped my neck in the night so instead of getting up and taking painkillers I tossed my pillow and gave it another hour stretched flat.  That combined with a hot shower helped and it had worn off completely by about lunch time.

Upon entering the bathroom for my shower I noticed that the window was white.  Utterly aghast and hardly able to believe it I opened the window and, yes, it had SNOWED.  I hate snow.  It stuck as well.  Have had a bit of drizzle this evening so im hoping will have washed away by tomorrow.  I really need the weather not to drop into freezing again or LTMA will really suffer - the gym will be too cold and people just wont turn up.

I'm going to investigate potentially using the Yoga studio downstairs but my big problem is that they have to let us store mats and a crashmat and then we'd have to buy the mats.  Which will be several thousand pounds.  Need to do some thinking and plotting and planning.  The room we're in will be fine until next winter as long as the weather does drop too far bit it's fairly dingy and pretty small plus we can only have the one slot a week.  J is nagging me to find solutions to all these problems so I suppose that's what i'll have to do.

Cooked the beef casserole, as promised, with potentially the best dumplings i've ever tasted.  Posted the recipe on the SwapShop so i've been a good little revolutionist.  I even washed up too.

It's now been a week since we started our spice-free, tomato-free diet.  Our diet consisted of an awful lot of tomato based stuff until J stripped his stomach lining; it's been great fun putting together alternative meal plans.  No spaghetti bolognaise, but I can live with that.  I refuse to live without my spicy tomato and pepperoni pasta bake though, it's my favourite food in the world.

Lala salama - Good night

Friday 7 January 2011

Raindrops on roses and spots on dalmations...

So today my fiancĂ©e did something he's only ever done once before - a long time ago.  He brought me flowers!  Not just flowers, I scored roses.  They are currently sat on the coffee table in a vase where I can see them.  Really made my day!  He should go for playdates with his friends more often...

Today I also followed one of my new year resolutions and did all the washing up AND cooked.  I cooked yesterday and half of the meal the day before too.  Tomorrow I plan to do beef casserole and dumplings and i will put the recipe up on the Swap Shop.  My cooking and washing up is going to be less adhock and more proactive from now on. 

I attempted to get J to eat an apple today.  I even chopped it up and presented it to him in a bowl with his dinner to have as pudding but he wouldn't eat it, professing that it was too sour - after not even tasting it.  He doesn't eat enough fruit and veg and he has entirely too much caffine in his diet.  So I'm trying to lead by example by not drinking coffee or tea in the later afternoon and evening and I damn well sat in front of him and ate the apple myself.  It was quite sour but I ate it anyway.  Im also refusing to eat snacks or eat late at night - even though my sleep cycle is so messed up that my dinner time should technically be at about 11.30pm.

Watched one of the Derren Brown stage shows tonight that I haven't seen before; Enigma.  Im really, REALLY excited about going to see Derren Brown live in April.  We're going to watch the marathon on Saturday night with the documentary about him and some of his shows.  I'm also gonna try and plow through one of his books again after i've read the Lost Symbol but it's not light reading.

On a side issue I can safely say, after watching the new Renault Megan advert twice, that I definately don't ever want one.  I would never buy a Renault anyway but it's such a shockingly bad advert that I almost want to start ringing Renault dealers just to reassure them that I wont be popping in.

I think I shall get out my To Do book and write myself a list for tomorrow.  If the weather is reasonable I might suggest a walk at Golden Acre in Leeds with the dog.  Change of scene would be nice - starting to get sick of Crows Nest.  I hope the weather is better, it was so overcast and rainy today that it was dark by half 3.  I will also do some more towards my Mass Clearout.  I will start tackling clothes tomorrow I think. 

I noticed last night that my dalmation has developed a spot.  Not your bog standard kind of spot on a dalmation but an actual zit.  He's had one on his chin before and now he's got one on his nose right at the front.  I've never noticed spots on dogs before - is this normal?  Or is this yet another sign that my dog is a freak of nature...

I'm going to add two more resolutions to my list today.  I was aiming for twelve and i've got my last two now:

11. Cook more often and aim to make healthy food in reasonable portions.
12. Take more photographs.

It's now 1 O'Clock in the morning.  I might suggest an early night.

Jina langu ni Liz - My name is Liz

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Becoming a bat...

It has occured to me that I'm gradually becoming more and more nocturnal.  I normally start my day late in the morning, and generally do my best stuff and focus properly later on at night.  I had to get up much earlier than normal today and yet it seems that my system is going to try and keep me up until 2 or 3 to re-establish routine.  I could probably dose off on the sofa but I'm not ready for bed.  I blame it on ITV3 for showing a succession of my favourite Bond films.

Kahawa - Coffee

New Year - New Monkey

So Jay and I have communally decided to be more adventurous as of this year but i didn't want to make it a new year resolution as its a bit unspecific.  So instead I have inserted resolutions which are more adventurous altogether...

1. Book holiday to Kenya
2. Learn some basic Swahili
3. Gain a new qualification
4. Get Bronze Kennel Club Award with Taz
5. Get into next jean size down (and stay in it!)
6. Take part in Race for Life 2011
7. Post more regularly on Recipe Swap Shop
8. Start & maintain new blog
9. Build website for LTMA
10. Wash up more often

Got my application in for a job at Leeds University yesterday; need something part time to supplement LTMA while its still a baby company.  Plus I don't really want to make too much clear profit before its first tax return in April - hopefully it will pay back it's captial investment though.

I heard that they were considering pulling the job because they haven't had a decent applicant yet.  Hopefully their one decent applicant will be me :) There's a few other jobs at the uni that look pretty good so now i've got the monster application form completed I can tailor it fairly easily and put in a few more.  I know their recruitment officer and I also have a good reference from within the Uni so hopefully i'll get an interview.

As soon as I get a job and Jay gets one we'll put the deposit down on the trip to Kenya in 2012.  Im totally buzzed, last night I told Jay I was off to bed and good night and this morning demanded coffee in Swahili.  He's a bit bemused.  I don't care though, Kenya is my ultimate holiday destination.  I've got my eye on Nyali Beech near Mombassa with scuba diving and safari.  I will even have the jabs!

Recieved new scaler from Dave at dog club on Monday night and spent last night cleaning the dogs teeth; he has a Tom Cruise style smile now.  I know there's a lot of controversy about scaling your dogs teeth yourself but the plaque on his canines had to come off and i'm not cruel enough to leave him with strangers and have him put under aneasthetic for the vet to do it.  It would destroy all the great progress he's made over the last couple of years.  To be fair the plaque just fell off once we gave it a little tug with the scaler.  Vet Dentistry: £200.  Scaler: £5.  Happy dog: Priceless.

Swahili word of the day: Nyani - Monkey