Friday 7 January 2011

Raindrops on roses and spots on dalmations...

So today my fiancée did something he's only ever done once before - a long time ago.  He brought me flowers!  Not just flowers, I scored roses.  They are currently sat on the coffee table in a vase where I can see them.  Really made my day!  He should go for playdates with his friends more often...

Today I also followed one of my new year resolutions and did all the washing up AND cooked.  I cooked yesterday and half of the meal the day before too.  Tomorrow I plan to do beef casserole and dumplings and i will put the recipe up on the Swap Shop.  My cooking and washing up is going to be less adhock and more proactive from now on. 

I attempted to get J to eat an apple today.  I even chopped it up and presented it to him in a bowl with his dinner to have as pudding but he wouldn't eat it, professing that it was too sour - after not even tasting it.  He doesn't eat enough fruit and veg and he has entirely too much caffine in his diet.  So I'm trying to lead by example by not drinking coffee or tea in the later afternoon and evening and I damn well sat in front of him and ate the apple myself.  It was quite sour but I ate it anyway.  Im also refusing to eat snacks or eat late at night - even though my sleep cycle is so messed up that my dinner time should technically be at about 11.30pm.

Watched one of the Derren Brown stage shows tonight that I haven't seen before; Enigma.  Im really, REALLY excited about going to see Derren Brown live in April.  We're going to watch the marathon on Saturday night with the documentary about him and some of his shows.  I'm also gonna try and plow through one of his books again after i've read the Lost Symbol but it's not light reading.

On a side issue I can safely say, after watching the new Renault Megan advert twice, that I definately don't ever want one.  I would never buy a Renault anyway but it's such a shockingly bad advert that I almost want to start ringing Renault dealers just to reassure them that I wont be popping in.

I think I shall get out my To Do book and write myself a list for tomorrow.  If the weather is reasonable I might suggest a walk at Golden Acre in Leeds with the dog.  Change of scene would be nice - starting to get sick of Crows Nest.  I hope the weather is better, it was so overcast and rainy today that it was dark by half 3.  I will also do some more towards my Mass Clearout.  I will start tackling clothes tomorrow I think. 

I noticed last night that my dalmation has developed a spot.  Not your bog standard kind of spot on a dalmation but an actual zit.  He's had one on his chin before and now he's got one on his nose right at the front.  I've never noticed spots on dogs before - is this normal?  Or is this yet another sign that my dog is a freak of nature...

I'm going to add two more resolutions to my list today.  I was aiming for twelve and i've got my last two now:

11. Cook more often and aim to make healthy food in reasonable portions.
12. Take more photographs.

It's now 1 O'Clock in the morning.  I might suggest an early night.

Jina langu ni Liz - My name is Liz

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