Friday, 13 January 2012

Budgets & Baths

I'm very good at budgets but they frustrate me a little.  I don't like basing decisions on money that's supposed to be coming in.  Or that might come in.  Or cash that you know you're getting but could be late. Today is admin day.  Oorah!

The bath has been resealed and a new panel put in and, I have to say, it looks fabulous.  I'm actually enjoying the idea of having a bath, possibly with bubbles and wine and candles.  Although you could club someone to death with my current book so it might be a stretch getting that in there as well.  The bathroom does, however, stink.  The stuff he's used is the most revolting thing I've ever smelled.

Very amusing to watch the dog trying to walk around with his 18 inch bone.  He struggles to get through doors.  I shouldn't laugh but there's a reason he gets one every Christmas...

Fish tank has not, as the fish lady said, gone cloudy.  The pump is running and it's stayed clear as a bell.  Have thought of the most amazing name ever for fish /es once it /they arrive.

Registration has opened for the BJJ opens in March.  Now I'm waiting to see how much of a team I'll be taking.  Funny, I was never nervous before any of my fights back when I was competing.  When the first few of my lads went on at the last tourney my hands were shaking so much I had trouble holding the camera still.

I must find the time to write a new article for my Ju Jitsu blog.  I should also really do something with the extra domain names the club owns...

Swahili: Sasa hivi
Translation: Soon

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