Tuesday, 31 January 2012

I'm becoming shoddy at blogging!  What I really need is an app on my smartphone that lets me update my blog remotely from my palmtop.  No problem, thinks I.  Blogging is so big that there's bound to be an app for that!  Not a one.  Unbelievable.  I can get remote apps that work from my desktop but what's the point?  I'm already sat in front of my PC.  May as well just log into Blogger...

After much swearing and strife (not mine, NYRs still intact) my Valentines present turned up yesterday afternoon.  Gorgeous new Lutador ProStar gi!  I've wanted it for a long time so, unromantic though it may be deemed, I'm very pleased indeed.

Had a fairly chirpy day yesterday but a very upsetting one on Sunday.  Jay found a cat that had been hit by a car on our grass verge and asked me to have a look and see if I could identify him.  Sure enough it was our next-door neighbour's lovely cat Badger.  What sort of inhuman bastard hits an animal and then just drives away?  I wrapped him up and brought him away from the road then I had to break it to K.  Not an easy thing to do and I really liked Badger.  Did a lot of crying.

Left: Badger larking about on K's swivel chair.  
Right: Me & Badger playing with string in my front garden last summer.

Had a Castle night with K and then went for night walkies with the dogs.  Had several large glasses of wine.

Took the cadets for self defence again last night and it went quite well, despite the challenges of trying to teach an inexperienced class with only two floor mats...  I do enjoy the ATC, I'm really glad I got into it.  There promises to be some very decent events over the next couple of weeks too.  I've just had flying confirmed for a week on Friday and another date in March (hope I get a go!) and an extra long shoot on Saturday.

I am considering becoming a professional key finder.  I am fabulous at finding lost keys.  J had a small strop yesterday as he, yet again, lost his keys.  After a fair while of watching him search I brought my expertise to the game.  It wasn't difficult - wally had put them in the key safe...

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