Wednesday, 25 January 2012

With much relish I have discovered that there is a Kobudo class running at the Royal Armouries!  It happens to fall on one of my free nights too...  As soon as the Groundwork course is over I'm SO there.

Said groundwork course ran very nicely indeed last night.  The triangle and triangle escape is one of my personal favourites.  Too many people just try to caveman their way through subtle techniques like these.  For crying out loud, Ju Jitsu is all about finding and exploiting leverage - just because you're lying down doesn't mean you can chuck the concept out of the window!

Yesterday was wildly productive and am attempting to emulate that today.  Not on quite as much of a roll but not doing abysmally.  Last night I leaned how to make origami bookmarks - and yes, I know how ridiculous that sounds to everyone who's ever stuck an old receipt in a book to mark the page...  Surprisingly it turned out to be the hardest thing I've made yet but it is quite snazzy:

Am currently musing on how unhygienic keyboards must be.  I've just peered between the keys of this one and it's absolutely revolting.  I feel distinctly dirty now.  Am resolved to get one of those all rubber ones at the earliest opportunity.  They are fully wipe clean and, to top it off, not susceptible to unfortunate spillages.  So many of my keyboards have bitten the dust (*snort*) that way.


  1. I used to have a box of origami frogs, complete with a pond. Yes, I know which phrase 'springs' to mind...

  2. You just needed an origami Rupert Bear :D

  3. You could use your army of paper frogs to neutralise the threat...
